Our beautiful little family

Monday, October 17, 2011

Aubrey's 2nd birthday

Where does the time go? I have asked myself this question since the day Aubrey was born. And now here we are at her 2nd birthday. Crazy.....

Aubrey's vocabulary is growing by the day and she is one smart cookie. She loves Yo Gabba Gabba (pronounced Yo Babba Babba), Curious George (she refers to him as just George), and The Cat in the Hat (referred to as Go Go Go, since the theme song is "Here we go go go on an adventure....".)

For her birthday we had a small gathering of family and friends at our house with an Elmo theme. She loves Elmo too, but not Sesame Street. She had a wonderful Elmo cake, decorations and a life size Elmo balloon. The balloons were the best thing according to her. She says hello in the morning and goodbye to the balloons at night. It will be sad when they finally lose air and are on the floor.

We took her to Blake's cider mill today, on her actual birthday and had a great time. She loved playing on the playground and climbing the large bales of hay. We saw some animals and she tried to make each animals sound, we had cider and donuts, but she thought they were "YUCK" so she had a hot pretzel instead and that was yummy to her.

She goes in for her 2 year check up in mid-November due to a scheduling problem with the doctor. I am very excited to see how much she has grown over the last few months. :) She definitely got a little more mature overnight and that makes me sad...but very happy too. She's a happy, healthy, wonderfully funny, caring, loving, thoughtful little girl. She's definitely brightened my life.

My baby is no longer a baby....she's a toddler. SIGH......