Our beautiful little family

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 month doctor appointment

Aubrey went to the doctor on Monday, December 28th for her 2 month check up. Here are her stats:

Weight: 11 lbs, 5 oz
Height: 23 inches
I know there are more stats, but I seem to have misplaced the sheet the doctor gave us. I'll track it down. The house is in disarray right now as I am putting all the Christmas decorations away and bringing back out my everyday decorations.

She got 2 shots and she cried pretty hard when they first went in, but after a few minutes she stopped crying and was fast asleep in her car seat before we left the parking lot.

We're so proud of our lil pumpkin--she takes shots and medicine (we've been shooting saline up her nose for congestion and give her Mylanta when her tummy is upset)like a champ....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Aubrey's Baptism

Aubrey was baptised on December 27, 2009 at St. Cletus Church after the 10:30am mass. Father Sidney Eckert officiated. Gina and Aaron are Aubrey's godparents.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Aubrey's 1st Christmas!

It's hard to believe that Aubrey is already 10 weeks old and is celebrating her first Christmas. The time since we had her has flown by so quickly that the holidays just seem to have snuck up on us. We were excited to experience her first Christmas with our friends and family. John's sister Gina and her husband Aaron, and kids, Kaitlyn and Sara were able to fly in to spend the holidays with us and Aaron's family. We were so excited when we found out a few weeks before Christmas that they were coming and that they would be here for 2 weeks.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Visiting Santa

I was so excited to take Aubrey to see Santa for the first time! We took her to Macomb Mall and met Jenn, Rich, Lilah and Eli there. Santa was so sweet and the photographer was awesome!!! Aubrey did well for 7 weeks old, but was quite upset with the santa hat, so that didn't last very long. Our favorite photo is the one where Santa is pouting right along with Aubrey! So cute.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 was held at Lyn's mom & dad's house. We had yummy turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread, etc. It was all very yummy.
Aubrey thought her first Thanksgiving was great! Too bad her dinner consisted of the same foods she eats every day---breast milk and formula! Next year she will be able to dig in with the rest of us!

Here are a few pictures from Aubrey's first Thanksgiving. Daddy wasn't thrilled to have his picture taken!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Aubrey's 1 month check up

Today I took Aubrey for her 1 month check up. Here are her stats:

Weight: 8lbs, 12oz: 25th percentile
Length: 21 3/4": 50-75th percentile
Head Circumference: 13 3/4": 5th percentile

Aubrey received 1 shot and the look on her face when the nurse put the needle in her thigh was priceless. It was one of "What the HE** is going on here?" She started to cry, but let up once grandma picked her up. She whimpered until we got in the car, but once we got rolling she was fast asleep.

Here's a picture we took over the weekend. I swear she made the a-ok sign with her fingers herself, we didn't put her in that position!

Visits from family and friends

Since Aubrey was born we have had a whole bunch of friends and family that have come to visit us! With mommy being home all day with Aubrey, visits are definitely encouraged! There are a few more pictures that need to be added, but they are on the old computer and need to be transfered over. We will get those posted asap!