Our beautiful little family

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 month doctor appointment

Aubrey went to the doctor on Monday, December 28th for her 2 month check up. Here are her stats:

Weight: 11 lbs, 5 oz
Height: 23 inches
I know there are more stats, but I seem to have misplaced the sheet the doctor gave us. I'll track it down. The house is in disarray right now as I am putting all the Christmas decorations away and bringing back out my everyday decorations.

She got 2 shots and she cried pretty hard when they first went in, but after a few minutes she stopped crying and was fast asleep in her car seat before we left the parking lot.

We're so proud of our lil pumpkin--she takes shots and medicine (we've been shooting saline up her nose for congestion and give her Mylanta when her tummy is upset)like a champ....

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