Our beautiful little family

Thursday, October 8, 2009

36 week checkup!

I went to the doctor today for my 36 week checkup. I am dialated 1/2 centimeter! Whoo hoo! I know it's not much, but it's something and it's very exciting! The doctor said that I am measuring big, but it's on the big side of normal, so everything is just fine. I am now on weekly appointments, so I will finally be reunited with my doctor, Dr.Migdal beginning next week! I have 27 days left.....time sure has gone by fast. I mean it when I say that, even though most people probably don't believe me. I have been very lucky to have had such a great pregnancy....it's been a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to meet our little punkin.

We lacked motivation last weekend so we didn't do what I wanted to get done, so this weekend will for sure be a baby weekend. My husband is a procrastinator, and it's rubbing off on me these days and that is NOT good! :0) I can't wait to post pics of the baby's room!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! You've been doing a much better job of posting than us, that's for sure - we are such slackers! I didn't know you saw Dr. Migdal. He was my OB before I moved to DC. Sounds like you had a good check-up. Keep up the good work. :-)
