Our beautiful little family

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time sure flies!

When I was growing up, I couldn't wait for summer vacation, Christmas break, snow days, half days, etc. The time seemed to stand still. Now that I am grown up, time is flying by. Where did the 2000's go? It seems like yesterday that everyone was worried about Y2K and the ending of the world. Now it's 2010. Sure, a lot has happened over the last 10 years, good and bad, but it seems like in a blink of an eye a decade just flew by. It's hard to believe that John and I will be together 15 years at the end of January and married for 12 come May 1st. We just realized that we have been in our house now for 5 years! I think 2009 is the year that flew by the fastest though. I found out at the end of February that I was pregnant, Summer was here and gone, although we didn't really have one as the weather was not very warm, my baby shower was the end of September and 3 weeks later our beautiful baby girl arrived. Now it's January 5, 2010 and I am getting ready to head back to work on the 11th. It's unfortunate that we cannot afford for me to stay home, but it's probably a good thing for both Aubrey and I. Being a working mom will give me balance and will give her an opportunity to be with her grandparents and develop a relationship that I only wished I had with my grandmas growing up (I lost my grandpa, my buddy, about 25 years ago). It eases my mind knowing that she will be with people who love her and will take good care of her and I won't have to worry as I get readjusted back at work. John and I are very lucky to have parents who want to be with Aubrey while we work. It was never our plan to have a baby and pass her off to our parents while we worked on our careers. They want to babysit. They want to be with her. And that makes me happy.

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