Our beautiful little family

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I love the Red Wings!

Uncle Aaron and Aunt Gina got me this Red Wings outfit for Christmas.

Let's go Red Wings (clap, clap, clapclapclap)!

And if those Anaheim Ducks come to town......LOOK OUT! We will eat you up! :0)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm 4 months old!

Can you believe I am 4 months old???? I went to the doctor for my check up. Here are my stats:
Weight: 14lbs, 2oz (57th percentile)
Height: 25 3/4" (92nd percentile)
Head circumference: 40.1cm (22nd percentile)

I got the ok to start eating cereal! YAY! I liked it, but then I got tired of it and just wanted my bottle!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My new toy

I like to stand up and bounce my legs so daddy went out and bought me a new toy! I haven't quite got the hang of it yet, but I am working on it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holding the bottle

It's been quite a week around here! Last weekend Aubrey laughed (but hasn't done it since), on Tuesday she rolled from her belly to her back (but hasn't done it since). And today......

Aubrey has been putting her hands on her bottle for a few weeks now. She probably wants to make sure we aren't going to take it away from her. LOL!!! Today John let go of the bottle and she held on to it for nearly 2 minutes! We were shocked!!! The bottle was about 1/3 full, so it wasn't too heavy, but still!! Here are the pics!!!

Rock and Roll Dude!

Aubrey rolled over from her belly to her back by herself on February 2, 2010! John and I were so excited!!!! She's been rocking back and forth since then, but hasn't gotten all the way over. It's a work in progress and we know soon she will be rolling all over the place! Go Aubrey, go Aubrey, go, go, go Aubrey!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm 3 months old!

I started my 4th week back to work today. I can't believe how fast the time is going by! Speaking of time flying, can you believe that Aubrey is 3 1/2 months old already???? She's becoming more vocal, is smiling alot, is trying to roll over, and may have given me her first laugh over the weekend. She was starting to fall asleep and all of a sudden I heard a sound like no other and after I thought about it for a minute I realized that may have been her first laugh. I laughed out loud and then she did it AGAIN! It was so adorable and sweet. I haven't heard it since, but I am hoping we start to hear it more and more. It was the best sound.

Here are a couple of photos from January. Enjoy!