Our beautiful little family

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wearing Mommy's hat.....

Yep, I am cute in just about anything....even mommy's hat!


Mommy and I went to visit one of her best friends, Cathy and her mom, Diane. We had so much fun. They were baking Easter cookies so the house smelled yummy! I got some new toys...hand me downs from Erin and Abby (thanks, girls!), and two new cute summer outfits (thanks, Aunt Cathy!). One of my new favorite toys is the chain that Mrs. Diane gave me. I chew on it constantly! Thank you!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy 5 Month Birthday & Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today is my 5 month birthday and my very first St. Patrick's Day! What an exciting day! I spent the day with my grandma and grandpa who took me for a walk and dressed me up in my St. Patrick's Day clothes that mommy bought.

Being 5 months old sure is cool. Here are some of the things I am doing these days:
roll over from my back to my tummy and from my tummy to my back
eat cereal and oatmeal (and make quite a mess!!!)
grab and hold on to objects and then stick them in my mouth (hey, you need to know how things taste, even if they are yucky!)
grab my feet and put my toes in my mouth
Sleep ALL NIGHT LONG! (Mommy & Daddy sure are happy about this one!)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Me and my giraffe

Mommy, daddy and I ran out this afternoon in the rain to pick up the taxes and to grab some lunch. I took along one of my favorite toys, my giraffe. My outfit even had a giraffe on it......but mommy didn't take a good picture of it--too bad....it's super cute. BTW, How cute am I in this hat????? :)

Gimme that spoon!

We've been giving Aubrey cereal for over 2 weeks now and she seems to like it. Today she decided that she wanted to feed herself! Already becoming miss independent....

Surprise Gift from Great, Great Aunt Marge

On Saturday a big brown box arrived and it had MY NAME on it! I was so excited to open it up and see what was inside. My great, great Aunt, Marge who lives in Las Vegas sent me a Hallmark bunny and when you press his foot he sings and dances! I really do love him, but I am so obsessed with touching everything that I grabbed his ear and pulled him to the floor. Whoops! Mom made sure after that that the bunny isn't anywhere near my hands! I also received my very own Wedgewood place setting that has a plate, bowl and cup. It's soooo cute.....but probably not a good idea for me to touch until I am a little older. I can't wait to use it!

Thank you great, great, Aunt Marge....I love you!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mom's new favorite photo of me!

I love hanging out in my onesie....I feel so free!!! This is mom's new favorite photo of me. It was taken the morning after a very rough night. I was pretty happy on this particular morning, but I don't think mommy and daddy were! hee-hee.