Our beautiful little family

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Surprise Gift from Great, Great Aunt Marge

On Saturday a big brown box arrived and it had MY NAME on it! I was so excited to open it up and see what was inside. My great, great Aunt, Marge who lives in Las Vegas sent me a Hallmark bunny and when you press his foot he sings and dances! I really do love him, but I am so obsessed with touching everything that I grabbed his ear and pulled him to the floor. Whoops! Mom made sure after that that the bunny isn't anywhere near my hands! I also received my very own Wedgewood place setting that has a plate, bowl and cup. It's soooo cute.....but probably not a good idea for me to touch until I am a little older. I can't wait to use it!

Thank you great, great, Aunt Marge....I love you!

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