Our beautiful little family

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

All I want for Christmas is my......CHICKEN POX??????

On Christmas Eve morning Aubrey woke up with a spot under her lip that we thought was either a pimple or a cold sore. We went with the cold sore, since they run in Bama's family. Not exactly what I wanted Aubrey to have to deal with as she got older, but oh well, it is what it is. We headed to Bama's, had dinner, went for a little walk and opened gifts.

On Christmas morning Aubrey woke up with 4 or 5 more spots around her lips and one on her chest.......oh no........CHICKEN POX??? We checked online and the closest non-doctor diagnosis we could come up with was the pox. I ran to Walgreens to get the oatmeal bath and calamine lotion (thank you for being open, Walgreens!!!), just to be on the safe side. Aubrey was in a really good mood, didn't seem to be in any pain and wasn't touching her face at all. We skipped church and kept an eye on her while we opened our gifts. No more spots appeared, so we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Gorski's house (no one outside the family was coming, and if it was CP, everyone had already been exposed to her from being with her during the week). She did great, opened gifts, ate well, and had a good time.

This morning, the day after Christmas, the spots are still there, but no new ones have appeared. We're going to call the doctor tomorrow morning and see if they want us to come in.

Besides the spots we had a great Christmas with the family!!! This will definitely go down as a Christmas to remember!!!!

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