Our beautiful little family

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Walking around outside

Aubrey did really well outside in her snow pants and boots. She really enjoys being outside and just walking around.

Playing in the snow

Today Mommy, Daddy and I went out and played in the snow. I love being outside no matter what the temperature is!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

15 months old

I am now 15 months old and went to the doctor today for my check up...and 3 shots. Grrr....

Here are my stats:

Weight: 20lbs, 9 oz
I am a little underweight, so the doctor told mommy and daddy that I need to fatten up a bit. I am now to eat more fatty foods like cheese, butter, sour cream, cream cheese. I have to go back in 1 month for a weight check.

Height: 32 inches. Future basketball player or supermodel (thanks Miss Jenn!).

Head: 45.7cm-perfect

I am very good at walking and I mostly run to get where I need to go. I break out of baby jail daily and climb up the stairs (I squeeze my way thru the small openings on either side of the baby gate. See, being skinny pays off!). I love my kitties, even though they don't always love me. I give lots of hugs and kisses. I LOVE music--I love to shake my booty! I wave hi and bye when someone says hi or bye to me. I like milk, but only in my bottle. Mommy and daddy are trying to wean me off my bottle...I don't know what they are thinking. I like water in my sippy cup. I do not like juice of any kind. So, daddy drinks my juice when they buy it for me. He likes the Motts for Tots apple juice the best. He can have it....

Here are a few pics in my new pretty jammies from last night.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peek A Boo, I see you!

I forgot that I shot this video over the holidays!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just having fun

Here's a few pictures just taken for fun!