Our beautiful little family

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Aubrey had her first Valentine's Day party with her parent/tot class. I took the morning off work and took her, but it took everything I had to get her there. She fought me the whole time, saying she didn't want to go. She screamed, cried, ran to her room, pooped, cried some more and finally at 10am, when we were supposed to be there, she finally put her hat and coat on. I would have just let her stay home, however I signed up for paper products-plate, cups, napkins, so I couldn't not go. Of course once we got there she had fun. We sang songs, danced the Cupid Shuffle, the kids handed out their valenties and munched on some sugary goodness. When it was time to go home, Aubrey didn't want to come home. We were the very last ones of out the classroom, walking out with Miss Laurie. :)
The Valentine that Aubrey handed out 
 Playing with the hula hoop
 Trying to get it to go round and round her hips
 Too cute!
 Always the last one to get her sticker
 Waiting to do the Cupid Shuffle

Aubrey's Valentine mailbox

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