Our beautiful little family

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baby's first gift....

My co-workers and friends, Jill and Mar sent me this really cute baby blanket. It's the first baby gift we have received! It has our last name crocheted throughout. It's a very unique and special gift! Thanks girls!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Over Half Way There.....

I am now 21 weeks along. For those of you that do not like to follow in "weeks", that means I am in my 5th month. The time really is going by fast and I am starting to get a little anxious. I've already picked out bedding for the nursery and I've done a little shopping to get some ideas for the room. It's now time to start making choices and get working on that room!

The pregnancy has been really good so far. I didn't have any morning sickness and so far no food aversions. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but Thank You God! The first trimester I was tired and would take naps when I got home from work, eat dinner, watch a little tv and go up to bed around 9pm. These days I am able to stay up a little bit longer, and have increased my exercise to keep up my stamina. John thinks it's great that I am pregnant because he now has his own built-in designated driver! LOL!

What is really fun about this experience is that I have two good friends who are going thru it with me at the same time and are both due the day before me! I also have a co-worker due in October, a co-worker due in January and another good friend due in January. What a baby boom!!!!
Other good friends of ours, Jenn & Rich had their 2nd child, Eli, on June 10th---Rich's 35th birthday!
This is a recent picture of me showing off "The Bump"!

Hello & Welcome

Hello and welcome to our blog. We have created this blog so you can follow us on our adventure into parenthood for the first time.

We found out we were expecting on February 24, 2009. I had a feeling the weekend before that I was pregnant, but didn't say anything to John, nor did I take a home test. I really, really wanted to, but I think I was scared that 1. I wasn't or 2. that I WAS. Ha-ha. A couple of days later it was confirmed by my doctor that I was indeed pregnant. I drove home, smiling the whole way, trying to figure out how to tell John. He was already home from work so I couldn't really do anything creative to surprise him. I casually walked in the house, put away my things that I take to work and walked into his computer room. When he asked me how the doctor was, I just said "it was positive". He looked at me, perplexed and said "What?" and then I told him that the pregnancy test was POSITIVE. He jumped up, hugged me, congratulated me and then asked me "Do you want to go to Target?" LOL One of the most memorable, exciting days of our lives and we went shopping at Target to buy a Wii. We walked by the baby stuff, but didn't go down any aisles. I think we were both in shock still and didn't really believe what was going to happen to us in 9 or so months. A few days later we told our parents, who were equally happy that we were expecting. This will be the first grandchild for my parents and the 3rd for John's mom, but this will be the first baby in about 12 years for her. Her granddaughters, Kaitlyn (16) and Sara (12) live in Arizona with John's sister Gina and her husband Aaron. John also has another sister, Alicia, who lives in Michigan. I am an only child---you can imagine what this news has done to my parents. They are very excited to become grandparents for the first time. Hmmmm....I wonder if they will babysit????? :0)

I am due on November 4, 2009. We are NOT, I repeat, we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby.

We hope you enjoy our blog and follow us as we enter this new phase of our lives.