Our beautiful little family

Friday, June 26, 2009

Over Half Way There.....

I am now 21 weeks along. For those of you that do not like to follow in "weeks", that means I am in my 5th month. The time really is going by fast and I am starting to get a little anxious. I've already picked out bedding for the nursery and I've done a little shopping to get some ideas for the room. It's now time to start making choices and get working on that room!

The pregnancy has been really good so far. I didn't have any morning sickness and so far no food aversions. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but Thank You God! The first trimester I was tired and would take naps when I got home from work, eat dinner, watch a little tv and go up to bed around 9pm. These days I am able to stay up a little bit longer, and have increased my exercise to keep up my stamina. John thinks it's great that I am pregnant because he now has his own built-in designated driver! LOL!

What is really fun about this experience is that I have two good friends who are going thru it with me at the same time and are both due the day before me! I also have a co-worker due in October, a co-worker due in January and another good friend due in January. What a baby boom!!!!
Other good friends of ours, Jenn & Rich had their 2nd child, Eli, on June 10th---Rich's 35th birthday!
This is a recent picture of me showing off "The Bump"!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I love the bump, it's so cute! Glad you are feeling good & exercising, that is fantastic :)
