Our beautiful little family

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

6 Month Appointment

Today I went in for my 6 month appointment. I started the rotation of seeing each doctor in the office and today I met with Dr. Hutton. We've met before, months ago, but it was still nice to sit down and chat with him. My blood pressure was good, the belly measured good, but that pesky weight thing came up again. Yep, did it again. Gained another 7lbs in one month! He wasn't mad, but did tell me all the things that I shouldn't be eating: carbs, bread, sweets---those are all the GOOD things I told him! LOL! What he may not realize is that I didn't gain any weight until my 5th month, that's when it all started. So, really my gain isn't all that bad. Right? RIGHT? Don't argue with the pregnant girl! Ha!

We got the crib on Friday and the changing table came today. Beautiful, just beautiful. I like the color and the design. I can't wait to get the crib together (nope, as of today, still not together), but that's ok. The daybed that I had hoped to keep in the room just isn't going to work out, so it looks like it will be heading north to the Higgins Lake house for a while. And once that happens I will probably order the matching chest of drawers and look for a rocker with ottoman and the room will be complete. I ordered the cutest tree wall sticker mural thingy yesterday. It stands about 5.5' tall and about 4' wide. It will have a brown trunk with rust and olive colored polka dots as the leaves. It's just the cutest. So excited to get it! The room is a neutral beige color (pecan to be exact), the bedding is orange spice, so it will be very gender friendly. We'll acccent with color once the baby comes and we know if it's a boy or girl.

Planning on registering soon, getting the shower invites out and then nesting! John doesn't understand nesting. Can someone explain it to him please...and also tell him that it's not the best time for him to pick on me or cop an attitude with me? It's just the way I am right now and it's mostly my hormones talking????

Friday, July 17, 2009

Month 6!

I am now 24 weeks and 2 days--beginning of the 6th month. Wow--time sure is flying by. On Monday I felt the first official kick in the belly! I had just eaten lunch at work and was listening to friends of mine talk, when all of a sudden--KICK! I don't know if that meant the food was good, or if the food was bad! LOL! Either way, the little pumpkin inside made his/her presence known! I have really been feeling movement for about 2 weeks now. It's an amazing and wonderful feeling. I am really enjoying the pregnancy and can't believe how fast it is going by. Sometimes I get choked up thinking that soon it will be over...but then I think I will finally meet this little person inside of me and our life will completely change forever.

Today my dad and I went and picked up the crib from JC Penney. I peeked inside the box and it appears to be the right color. I am hoping we can take it all out of the box and inspect it tomorrow and maybe even start putting it together. I started moving things out of the baby's room today--an old dresser of mine, the paper shredder, etc. This room was basically a catch-all for things. I also moved the daybed from one side of the room to the other. We thought leaving it in the room may benefit us after the baby comes, but I am not sure it's going to work out in there. We'll have to see how the crib and changing table, once that arrives, works out in there. If not I am going to have to rearrange my office to fit the daybed. Ugh! The thought of moving around another room......oh well. It's worth it!

I go to the doctor next week, July 22nd for my monthly check up. I also start the rotation of doctors in the office--getting to meet each one....I can only hope they are all as cool as my doctor! Stayed tuned...I'll let you know what he says!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Whoa Belly

Here I am at 22 weeks and 5 days preggo! Yikes! Looks like I popped a little over the holiday weekend! Must have been all that good food I ate making the baby grow big and strong! It's hard to believe that I only have about 17 weeks left to go. We shopped at Babies R Us on Friday (2 of their stores--John wasn't too happy), to look around and get an idea of what we like pattern-wise for the stroller, pack and play, etc. We also looked at furniture and narrowed it down to 2 we both like, however, we each favor one over the other, but we don't favor the same one! FIGURES!!! Anyways, a decision needs to be made and the order needs to be placed! Time is tick, tick, ticking away here!

Still feeling good, definitely cannot complain. In case I haven't thanked you today, Thank You God for making this a smooth ride so far. I'm not sure how or why, but I will take it!!! :0)