Our beautiful little family

Friday, July 17, 2009

Month 6!

I am now 24 weeks and 2 days--beginning of the 6th month. Wow--time sure is flying by. On Monday I felt the first official kick in the belly! I had just eaten lunch at work and was listening to friends of mine talk, when all of a sudden--KICK! I don't know if that meant the food was good, or if the food was bad! LOL! Either way, the little pumpkin inside made his/her presence known! I have really been feeling movement for about 2 weeks now. It's an amazing and wonderful feeling. I am really enjoying the pregnancy and can't believe how fast it is going by. Sometimes I get choked up thinking that soon it will be over...but then I think I will finally meet this little person inside of me and our life will completely change forever.

Today my dad and I went and picked up the crib from JC Penney. I peeked inside the box and it appears to be the right color. I am hoping we can take it all out of the box and inspect it tomorrow and maybe even start putting it together. I started moving things out of the baby's room today--an old dresser of mine, the paper shredder, etc. This room was basically a catch-all for things. I also moved the daybed from one side of the room to the other. We thought leaving it in the room may benefit us after the baby comes, but I am not sure it's going to work out in there. We'll have to see how the crib and changing table, once that arrives, works out in there. If not I am going to have to rearrange my office to fit the daybed. Ugh! The thought of moving around another room......oh well. It's worth it!

I go to the doctor next week, July 22nd for my monthly check up. I also start the rotation of doctors in the office--getting to meet each one....I can only hope they are all as cool as my doctor! Stayed tuned...I'll let you know what he says!

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