Our beautiful little family

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

33 Weeks and some insomnia

I went to the doctor for my 33 week check up with Dr. Brickman. Thankfully I have only gained 3 lbs since my last appointment, therefore I didn't get a lecture--yay! I was all ready to tell the doc to BITE ME if necessary, but thankfully I didn't have to use that kind of unlady-like language with the man! My BP and the baby's heart rate were perfect and my belly measured right on track. I was concerned about my swollen feet, but Dr. Brickman, the nurse and my main doctor, Dr. Migdal all said it was normal and everything was fine. Just need to try and keep them elevated a little more. Hopefully with the weather cooling off the rest of the week my feet will go down a bit and I won't look so Fred Flintstone-like. I haven't seen Dr. Migdal since I started the rotation of doctors, so it was good to run into him and catch up. He seemed pretty happy with my progress so far, even commenting on how great I looked. Whew! Another lecture dodged. I think I have 2 more doctors to meet before I go back to seeing Dr. Migdal exclusively until Baby Sopala makes his/her appearance in less then 2 months.

My mom and I are having lunch with Cathy and her mom, Diane this Saturday. Cathy and Diane and the Simpson/Wezner families are headed to Disney on the 20th and will sadly miss our baby shower. So, we are getting together to see each other before they leave, have lunch and catch up. I am really looking forward to it.

Oh yeah.....it's now 3:30am on Wednesday morning. Baby Sopala isn't even here yet and he/she has me up in the middle of the night!!! It's inevitable that I will need to get up to pee at least once a night. For the last week, maybe 2, when I get up, all of a sudden I am wide awake! I try and lay back down, clear my mind and drift back to sleep, but no. I toss, turn, toss, turn and then after nearly 1 hour I decide to get up and putz on my computer. I fully know that in the next 2 months or so this will be a nightly occurance,this will be my life, but not now!!! I loves me some beauty sleep, so let me get it now before it's all taken away from me! You will be well worth it, but until then.....SHHHHHHHH!

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