Our beautiful little family

Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day, 32 weeks, Dawn's Shower

Last week I hit the 8 month mark. Things are still progressing well, however, I now have Fred Flintstone feet. All. The. Time! If I can find some time, meaning, hours, to sit down and put my feet up, I would, but with the constant visits to the bathroom, the getting up and down because I forgot to do something the last time I was up, etc., just seems to get in the way! I finally took my wedding ring off a few weeks ago and John bought me a stunning replacement! It's amazing what you can buy for $10.99 these days! Ha! Actually, the ring looks very real and I've had a few people comment on it already! I've fessed up though....there's no way we could afford that kind of bling with a baby on the way! I have to say though....I am getting used to it! I love, love, love my wedding band though and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Dawn's shower was on Sept. 12th at her house and we had a great time. This is a picture of Jenn and I during the shower. My shower is coming up on September 26th, so we are in the final stages of planning. Waiting on responses, getting prizes together, coordinating schedules to make chocolate/caramel dipped apples as favors (YUM), etc. I cannot believe the shower is just around the corner.....we just booked the hall in May! Where the heck did May go? Wait....where did June, July and August go? This has got to be one of the fastest summers on record.

I made huge headway on the baby's room this weekend. John was sick this weekend, so we weren't able to do the things we had planned, so I headed up to the baby's room while he watched football and I started putting the decals of the trees on the wall. Although it's time consuming, I had fun, and am totally amazed by the results. I LOVE these decals. They look like they were painted on and look so adorable on the wall. I am so glad I had to order a 2nd tree because it just makes all the difference in the room. There are still a few finishing touches and then I will post some pictures.

I have an appointment on Tuesday, September 15th. Hopefully everything goes well and I don't get any grief from the doctor about the swelling or weight, or anything else. I wonder if a doctor has ever heard the words "BITE ME" from a pregnant girl before. If not, and he catches me in a bad mood, he just might hear it for the first time this week! Ha!!!

The other two photos are from Labor Day weekend up at the Higgins Lake house with the Nagel Family. We had a great weekend and great weather-finally-since it normally rains or snows when we are up there!!! There were a few minor incidents during the weekend--Lilah wanting John to burn her baby because she was broke; Lilah screaming in the middle of the night and staying asleep until the air mattress her parents were sleeping on deflated due to a hole; Lilah falling down the last couple of steps (scared, but not injured), baby Eli trying to adjust to new surroundings, and a car full of stuff that every 2 1/2 year old and 3 month old needs just for a couple of days. I told John we needed to take inventory of their car because that is going to be us soon! WOW!!! Other then all that, it was a great weekend with great friends.

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