Our beautiful little family

Saturday, July 17, 2010

9 months old!!!!

Today I am 9 months old!!! Here are the things I am now doing:

*wave hello and bye bye or just wave cause it's fun

*clap-I even do it for the song "If you're happy and you know it..." only if I am in the mood though

*crawling even faster then before

*pulling myself up on furniture faster then before

*climbing onto and standing on my chair in the family room-mommy and daddy are not amused by this

*starting to walk along the furniture

*letting go and standing by myself for a few seconds

*squeak and squeal and laugh and laugh when I make all this noise

*chasing and fighting with Paisley (I pull her tail or her fur)-she fights back and
I laugh (again, mommy and daddy are not amused)

*I have tried and liked eating chicken, pork chop, turkey, corn and potatoes

*saying "kit kat"

*saying "momma"

*saying "da da" and sometimes "daddy"

*giving hugs and kisses-sloppy, open mouth kisses. Ha-ha.

On Tuesday I go for my 9 month appointment at the doctor. Check back for my stats!

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