Our beautiful little family

Saturday, October 30, 2010

1 year stats

I went to the doctor this week. Here are my stats:

Weight: 20lbs, 3oz (33%)
Height: 30.25" (82%)
Head: 44.6cm (34%)

Everything was all fine and good and then.......I got 4 shots and 1 toe prick! I got a shot in each arm and a shot in each leg. It scared me and it hurt....really, really hurt. I cried big huge tears (so did Mommy). After about 30 minutes and a bottle, I calmed down and we went home. Luckily I didn't have any adverse reactions and it was business as usual when grandma and grandpa came over.

I have 3 teeth now, and I think another one is starting to poke thru. I am walking really good.....I like to go fast. Mommy calls it running! I like to climb up the stairs all by myself (with someone behind me, of course).

I am getting to be such a big girl! :)

Tomorrow is Halloween...check back later to see pics of my costume!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Aubrey!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to meeeeee...Happy Birthday to me! YAY! I am ONE YEARS OLD! Wow what a year I have had. I have done so many things, learned so many things, met so many people and gone so many places. Mommy and daddy threw me a big birthday bash and we had a bbq, cake and so many friends and family over! I got so many wonderful gifts, from new toys to new clothes to a rocking chair! I sat for one or two gifts and then I decided I wanted to just go....go running around visiting my friends!!! So, I left mommy in charge. tee hee.....
Here are a few things I am doing these days now that I am ONE:
Walking really fast......
I have 3 teeth
I love to listen and dance to music
I had my first cold after I turned one....bummer :(
I say DO IT (it's more like dddddooooooo iiiiiitttttt)
I love to hug, kiss and bump heads
I love my rhino!

Down on the Farm.....

I had my first visit to a farm the day before my 1st birthday. I went with Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Dawn, Aunt Kathy, Dana, Gavyn and Zak. We went to Upland Hills Farm in Oxford, MI. It was sooo much fun. We had a beautiful Fall day, the sun was shining and the crowd was light. I saw ducks, pigs, bunnies, cows and I sat on a horse! Then we went for a hayride and ended up at the pumpkin patch where I ran around looking for the perfect pumpkin. It was such a wonderful day.....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We have a tooth!!!

Last week Aubrey got her first tooth! And this week, she got her 2nd! Slowly but surely they are starting to come thru. Wish I had a picture to post, but she just won't allow us to see the pearly whites! I'll keep trying.....