Our beautiful little family

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Aubrey!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to meeeeee...Happy Birthday to me! YAY! I am ONE YEARS OLD! Wow what a year I have had. I have done so many things, learned so many things, met so many people and gone so many places. Mommy and daddy threw me a big birthday bash and we had a bbq, cake and so many friends and family over! I got so many wonderful gifts, from new toys to new clothes to a rocking chair! I sat for one or two gifts and then I decided I wanted to just go....go running around visiting my friends!!! So, I left mommy in charge. tee hee.....
Here are a few things I am doing these days now that I am ONE:
Walking really fast......
I have 3 teeth
I love to listen and dance to music
I had my first cold after I turned one....bummer :(
I say DO IT (it's more like dddddooooooo iiiiiitttttt)
I love to hug, kiss and bump heads
I love my rhino!

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