Our beautiful little family

Saturday, October 30, 2010

1 year stats

I went to the doctor this week. Here are my stats:

Weight: 20lbs, 3oz (33%)
Height: 30.25" (82%)
Head: 44.6cm (34%)

Everything was all fine and good and then.......I got 4 shots and 1 toe prick! I got a shot in each arm and a shot in each leg. It scared me and it hurt....really, really hurt. I cried big huge tears (so did Mommy). After about 30 minutes and a bottle, I calmed down and we went home. Luckily I didn't have any adverse reactions and it was business as usual when grandma and grandpa came over.

I have 3 teeth now, and I think another one is starting to poke thru. I am walking really good.....I like to go fast. Mommy calls it running! I like to climb up the stairs all by myself (with someone behind me, of course).

I am getting to be such a big girl! :)

Tomorrow is Halloween...check back later to see pics of my costume!!!

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