Our beautiful little family

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6 month check up

Well, today was the big day. My 6 month appointment. As usual, I was really, really good. ;0) I had my weight and height taken, I let the nice doctor poke me and listen to my heart with a cold metal thing, I let her look in my ears and shine a bright light in my eyes. Ok good, done. Let's go. OHHHHH NOOOOOO. After she left someone else came in, laid me down on the table and made me swallow something yucky (an oral shot), and then, all of sudden she gave me a shot in each thigh! OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW......it made me cry....really, really hard! Mommy and daddy scooped me up and hugged me, but it still hurt really bad. I whimpered until we got in the car and then I took a little nap on the way home. Mommy and daddy went to work after we came home and grandma and grandpa came over. I was still feeling yucky, so I was crabby most of the day. Oh well I am entitled, right???? It was a rough day.....

DARN IT.....did anyone ask the doctor about where my hair is???????

Anyways, here are my stats:
Weight: 15 lbs, 13 oz (46th percentile)
Length: 26 3/4" (83rd percentile)
Head circumference: 41.7 cm (27th percentile)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Meeting new friends

It was a big weekend for meeting new friends!

First, I went and saw Jagger who was born on March 12th. His mommy and daddy are Karen and John He has LOTS of hair.....

Then I met Ryan and Mackenzie.

Ryan was born on March 9th. His mommy and daddy are Reed and Michelle and he has a sister, Molly who is 5 years old. Ryan slept most of the time but cried when we took pictures. I don't blame him, sometimes I just want to sleep too. To comfort him I massaged his head.

Mackenzie was born on March 25th and her mommy and daddy are Brad and Kim. She has lots of blond hair. She has a kitty that looks like my kitty Hitch! At first I thought that Hitch came with us, but then they called him Fernando, so I knew it wasn't my kitty.

I have a bone to pick with that doctor person next time I see her. I wanna know why Jagger and Mackenzie have hair and I don't! Instead of giving me shots, maybe the doctor can give me hair!!! Yeah... I like that idea!!!

It was a fun filled weekend and I am so happy to have some friends to grow up with. Hopefully I will see them all again very soon! :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am 6 months old!!!

Can you believe it? I am celebrating my first HALF birthday! That's right....I am 6 MONTHS old today! I am doing so many things these days:

rolling over--ALOT
getting up on my hands & knees---look out, I am gearing up to crawl!
bounce around in my exersaucer---I LOVE that thing
sitting in my highchair to eat rice ceral, oatmeal, fruits and veggies---YUM!
"Talking"---yes, I make lots of noises and I screech when I am happy. THEY call it babbling because they cannot decode what I am saying! Ha-ha!

I heard the word "doctor" when mommy and daddy were talking. I don't mind going, but if I have to get shots again, someone is going to get it! :)

Happy 6 month birthday to ME!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

That's not your seat Paisley!

Paisley seems to think that Aubrey's seat is her seat. If she sits in it maybe she will get some yummy rice, oatmeal, veggies or fruit. Nice try, Paisley. Not happenin'!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Who's the Cutest Baby?

I entered Aubrey in the Macomb Daily's Cutest Baby Contest. Voting for round 1 ended on April 7th and the top 20 were announced in the paper on April 11th. Unfortunately Aubrey did not make the top 20 to move on to round 2. That's ok though......we don't need no stinkin' contest to know that Aubrey is THE cutest baby in the WORLD! We thank everyone who voted or tried to vote for her (some people had trouble logging in), and those that wanted to, but didn't want to give out their personal information. Here is the photo that I submitted of her...
We love you baby girl!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

It's my first Easter!!!! My grandma Gorski bought me the pretty dress and my Bama Sopala bought me the after church outfit (see the cute bunny tail?????). Today was a beautiful day and I had so much fun!!! We went to church and everyone oohhhhed and aahhhhed over me. We took some pictures on the alter and then mommy, daddy and I went home where I opened my Easter basket. I got 2 books, the Jungle Book movie (daddy's favorite, I hear) and a stuffed lamb (ha-ha---I hear cousin Sara had a stuffed lamb named Bahhhh growing up). As far as Easter's go, today was by far the best! ;0)
I hope you had a nice Easter too!!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Aubrey's 1st Easter!

Aubrey saw the Easter bunny today and did GREAT! She checked him out, sat nicely and smiled for the camera! We are so proud of our little pumkin!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We'll miss you Nagel Family!!!

Our friends, Jenn & Rich and their two kids, Lilah and Eli decided to move to Alabama! They left on Tuesday, and just arrived today! We do not envy their lllloooonnnnnnggggg car ride! We will miss them very much, but now we have a new place to visit! Good Luck.....we love you!!!