Our beautiful little family

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am 6 months old!!!

Can you believe it? I am celebrating my first HALF birthday! That's right....I am 6 MONTHS old today! I am doing so many things these days:

rolling over--ALOT
getting up on my hands & knees---look out, I am gearing up to crawl!
bounce around in my exersaucer---I LOVE that thing
sitting in my highchair to eat rice ceral, oatmeal, fruits and veggies---YUM!
"Talking"---yes, I make lots of noises and I screech when I am happy. THEY call it babbling because they cannot decode what I am saying! Ha-ha!

I heard the word "doctor" when mommy and daddy were talking. I don't mind going, but if I have to get shots again, someone is going to get it! :)

Happy 6 month birthday to ME!!!!

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