Our beautiful little family

Friday, August 28, 2009

30 down, 10 to go

I have now hit the 30 week mark. It's gone by very, very fast!!! I am racing towards the finish line at blazing speed. Although everyone has been complaining about the sucky summer we have had, I have actually enjoyed it. The cooler temps have made the pregnancy much more manageable and I haven't had to deal with a lot of swelling, until a week or so ago. Now I have permanent cankles and I can't see my ankle bones anymore, as they have just morphed in with the rest of my foot. I've noticed swelling in my right hand, but not my left so much. I can no longer wear the ring I usually wear on the pointer finger of my right hand, and I am getting close to not wearing my wedding ring anymore, for fear that one day it will not want to come off!

I have an appointment on Monday with the doctor, we'll see what he has to say about everything.

My mom is coming over today to help me do some stuff around the house. If I am lucky maybe she will help me put the tree wall decal on the wall....I am dying to get that up!!!

My shower invitations have been sent and already there have been RSVP's--yay!!!! Only a month away now...need to get cracking on that too!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Glucose Tolerence Test Take 2!

On Friday, August 14th I had to go back to the doctor for the dreaded 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test. I had to eat a high carb diet for 3 days before the test, fast the night before and not eat or drink anything until after the test was over. By Thursday night I felt like the stay-puff marshmallow girl! The time of the test went by fast, I bought and read 3 magazines cover to cover and my blood was drawn every hour. I was finally out of there before noon. I came home and ate, thinking I would feel better but I didn't. I started to feel worse! So, I basically laid around, napped and felt like crap all day long.

Today I got the results and I passed! Yay! It's definitely worth it, but there should be a better way to find out if you have gestational diabetes. The route I went was crappy and I never, ever want to do that again!

I am now just over 28 weeks. Wow--the time is flying by. I went and registered at Babies R Us yesterday with Jenn. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun picking out stuff for the baby. Our shower is coming up at the end of September and I am looking forward to celebrating with our friends and family!

Here is a picture of me at 28 weeks and 5 days!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I got a F in Glucose Testing

Yep, I failed the glucose tolerence testing from Friday. I was 13 points over the maximum. Now I have to go back on Friday and do the 3 hour test, which consists of me eating a high carb diet for the next 3 days, then fasting the night before, a blood draw at 8:30am, the sugary drink and then blood draws every hour for the next 3 hours. Oh yeah, and, I can't leave the doctor's office! Oh joy! I guess I better stock up on things to read while I am there! I also have to take an iron supplement because mine is on the lower side. We went and bought the ones that were recommended to me and they are $9.50 for a box of 30 and I have to take them 2 times a day. Great.....I guess these are the baby Gods getting me back for having such a good pregnancy so far! Oh well, if this is the worst of it before birth, I guess I can handle it. It could be worse, that's for sure!!! Oh, the good thing is I can pee in a cup properly! My urine test came back just fine. Figures....I get an A in peeing, and a F in glucose testing.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Glucose Tolerence Test

Went for the glucose tolerence test yesterday. I had to drink this orange sugary stuff down in 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour to have my blood drawn. The orange sugary stuff had a good taste to it, it just left my tongue kind of numb from the sugar! Hopefully I will pass on the first try and not have to go back for the long, dreaded 3 hour test! I should know on Monday if I passed or failed. While I waited for the hour to go by I saw Dr. Leach. I've met him briefly in the past as well. He seems to be a nice guy. He said everything looked good--my blood pressure, my belly measurement, even my weight! Whoo hoo! My next regular appointment is August 31st. It's hard to believe that I am due 88 days from now! So excited, but so scared at the same time!!! The crib is put together and the changing table is here, now we only need to get the tree wall decal up on the wall and rearrange the room and decide what else we may need in there. We might need a chest of drawers and we will definitely get a glider and ottoman. It's a rainy day today...maybe I can get John to wash the wall and we can start on that tree!