Our beautiful little family

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Glucose Tolerence Test

Went for the glucose tolerence test yesterday. I had to drink this orange sugary stuff down in 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour to have my blood drawn. The orange sugary stuff had a good taste to it, it just left my tongue kind of numb from the sugar! Hopefully I will pass on the first try and not have to go back for the long, dreaded 3 hour test! I should know on Monday if I passed or failed. While I waited for the hour to go by I saw Dr. Leach. I've met him briefly in the past as well. He seems to be a nice guy. He said everything looked good--my blood pressure, my belly measurement, even my weight! Whoo hoo! My next regular appointment is August 31st. It's hard to believe that I am due 88 days from now! So excited, but so scared at the same time!!! The crib is put together and the changing table is here, now we only need to get the tree wall decal up on the wall and rearrange the room and decide what else we may need in there. We might need a chest of drawers and we will definitely get a glider and ottoman. It's a rainy day today...maybe I can get John to wash the wall and we can start on that tree!

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